Workplace Wellbeing

Around 1 in 6 people experience mental health problems in the workplace [1]; Globally around 12 billion working days are lost every year due to depression and anxiety [2]; Happy employees are 13% more productive [3].‍

The wellbeing of employees in your organisation really matters.

Focusing on employee wellbeing will help your teams feel more fulfilled and productive in their roles, leading to fewer sick days and improved staff retention.

Mindfulness-based wellbeing sessions offer enormous, evidence based, benefits, which include:

  • Enhanced focus, attention and clarity
  • Increased levels of resilience and ability to deal with change
  • More effective communication
  • Better decision-making abilities
  • Improved creativity, productivity and innovation
  • Reduced stress and anxiety, leading to reduced absenteeism

NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidance on mental wellbeing at work recommends that mindfulness should be offered to ‘all employees…on an ongoing basis.’ [4]

Hope in Minds will deliver a bespoke service, tailored to your organisations’ needs whether you are small business or large corporation. Options include incorporating a Mindful Check-in to team meetings, to help cultivate a sense of presence and engagement; regular drop-in sessions to support staff in fostering mindful communication and teamwork; a more focused 8-week course enabling staff to develop a solid mindfulness practice which can then be modelled throughout the workplace.

Click here to contact and discuss your requirements.




[4] Recommendations| Mental wellbeing at work | Guidance | NICE

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